University of Texas at Austin
Raghu Bollapragada




phone (512) 232-8335

office ETC 5.118


Raghu Bollapragada

Affiliated Faculty

Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering

Centers and Groups

Research Interests

Machine Learning Optimization


Raghu Bollapragada is an assistant professor in the Operations Research and Industrial Engineering graduate program at the University of Texas at Austin (UT). Before joining UT, he was a postdoctoral researcher in the Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory. He received both PhD and MS degrees in Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences from Northwestern University. During his graduate study, he was a visiting researcher at INRIA, Paris. He has received the IEMS Nemhauser Dissertation Award for best dissertation, the IEMS Arthur P. Hurter Award for outstanding academic excellence, the McCormick terminal year fellowship for outstanding terminal-year PhD candidate, and the Walter P. Murphy Fellowship at Northwestern University.

Raghu Bollapragada's research interests are in nonlinear optimization. His research is mainly driven by machine learning and scientific applications. His research focuses on designing, developing, analyzing, and implementing algorithms for solving large-scale nonlinear optimization problems. His main goal is to develop numerical optimization algorithms that are both well-grounded in convergence theory and are efficient in practice. Specifically, he is interested in and has explored several sub-fields of nonlinear optimization such as (i) general nonlinear optimization algorithms, (ii) optimization algorithms for machine learning, (iii) stochastic optimization, (iv) constrained optimization, (v) derivative-free optimization, and (vi) distributed optimization.

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